G. Candiani s.r.l adheres to the following bodies and / or trade associations:
CONFAPI – Confederation of 83 thousand companies with more than 800 thousand employees who apply the 13 national labor contracts signed by Confapi (INPS data); 60 territorial and district offices; 13 national unions and a national trade association to which 2 interest groups are added.
COSMETICA ITALIA – Since 1967 Cosmetica Italia has been the voice of the national cosmetic industry and its supply chain.
ACADEMY OF PERFUME – It is an association of cosmetic companies for the promotion of perfume, its history, culture, and the art of perfumery.
ECOVADIS – Universal Sustainability Assessment Provider
SEDEX – Sedex is a membership organization that provides one of the world’s leading online platforms for companies to manage and improve working conditions in global supply chains.